Business School

Digitalisering af undervisning og eksamen

Nedenfor kan du finde den information om digitalisering af undervisning og eksamen, der er rundsendt via mails de seneste uger. Informationen ligger kronologisk, med den senest udsendte information øverst.

18. september 2020

mail fra mette vinther larsen om "Updates regarding digital support"

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great day and are enjoying the sunshine. I am reaching out to you with some updates regarding digital support from Vash.

From Monday 21st Spetember, we will move from mandatory live-stream (technical) support to support on demand. This mean you have to request live-stream support at least two days in advance if you are interested in having Vash to support you.

You can pick up the needed equipment right before the lecture and return it right after the lecture at Fibigerstræde 2 room 42. There will be a scheme in room 42, where we ask you to register the equipment you lent and when it will be returned. This will be made as self-driven as possible, but in the office hours, there will be staffs that can help you with the equipment and registration. Please reach out to Vash if you have any questions concerning this

Easy step-by-step guide will be available in the equipment boxes according to the different equipment and requirements (the size of the classroom etc.).

Introduction sessions can be requested in advance to learn the setup process and during the lecture the support team will be on speed dial in case you need support: 99408958

Please make sure the Teams room is working I good time before your teaching starts.

As a final thing, I want to invite you see the small film that has been developed regarding our programs by the amazing Thor F. Jensen:

I hope you all like it, and please share it if you wish to :-).

All the best wishes for a great weekend on behalf of the whole management team.



31. august 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "News about Fall teaching"


Guide relating handling students and possible Covid-19 infection

How to include the remote students

Teams Guide for Lecturer

Teams Guide for Students - live-stream


Underviserens opgave ift coronasmitte

Vejledning om håndtering af studerende vedr. forhold relateret til COVID-19

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great day. As promised earlier, I am reaching out to you with the newest information regarding our Fall semester teaching. Below you can see the mail, I have sent out to our students.

In advance, I apologize for the long mail!

  • Vash is working on providing as much support for our livestreamed teaching. He and colleagues will prioritize to be present during your first livestreamed teaching and subsequently be on speed dial in case you need support. He and colleagues will also ensure that the digital kit is installed in all lecture rooms and auditoriums so it is ready when you arrive. Furthermore, they will make sure the digital kits are brought back to Fibigerstræde at the end of the day. However, resources to this is limited, so I will encourage you all to support Vash and colleagues as much as possible and if you are able to set up and/or take down the digital kit on your own, please send me and Vash a mail, so we can prioritize to support colleagues who need some extra time to settle with the new learning surroundings.
  • The platform we will use for livestreaming is primarily Microsoft Teams. Our study secretaries have set up a Teams room for each semester and/or module, elective course and spezialization semester. All students and enrolled faculty will be given a link, so they can connect. Vash has also developed small guides that illustrate how to connect as student and faculty. These guidelines are attached.
  • If you need extra rooms for exercises, case work etc., please be in contact with your study secretary, so Teams rooms for these activities can be generated.
  • For Q&A sessions during the livestreamed teaching, we will use the chat function in Teams or live questioning as you prefer. Vash has ensured that the chat function is also introduced in the small guides. I encourage you all to set aside time during the livestreamed session to respond to these questions from students.
  • Attached you will also find guidelines for how students should respond, if they have been or are in the risk of being infected with Covid-19. This information has been sent to our students and our study secretaries have ensured links to this information is available on Moodle. Please make sure all students are informed about this. Link:
  • Attached is also the posters and material that CAS has developed on how to respect health regulations at campus. Please inform yourself with this material before your first campus learning activity. Furthermore, decide on how you will inform students about swiping desks after each teaching activity.
  • CAS has ensured that there is cleaning kits available in all seminar and lecture rooms. If you are interested in extra cleaning kits, please let us know, we have ordered sufficient.
  • If you suspect that you have been infected with Covid-19, the AAU guidelines are also presented in the attached documents and can be found here:
  • ITS has written an article about Zoom, Teams and other platforms you can use: artikel via AAU Update

I will keep you all updated, when new information appears.

In the meantime, I wish you an amazing start on another exciting semester. Our first as business school, I look forward to hear about your experiences.

On behalf of the whole management team, I wish you a great day.



English below

Kære studerende

Så er der ikke længe til semesterstart og vi glæder os til at byde jer velkommen og komme i gang med et spændende semester, der vil være en kombination af campus- og online undervisning.

Vi vil primært bruge Microsoft Teams som platform til livestreamet undervisning. Vedhæftet er en guide, som viser dig funktionerne i Teams og hvordan du kan logge på, stille spørgsmål etc.

For at sikre, at vi alle passer på hinanden, sender jeg jer her et link til AAU’s retningslinjer for, hvordan I skal reagere, hvis der er tegn på eller I har vished om, at I er blevet smittet med Covid-19:

Jeg vil bede jer om at sætte jer godt ind i de vedhæftede guides og retningslinjer før I ankommer til campus samt overholde dem, så vi alle kan passe på hinanden og mindske risikoen for smitte.

Når I deltager i undervisning på campus, vil jeres underviser bede jer deltage aktivt i at sikre, at sundhedsmyndighedernes retningslinjer opretholdes. Det handler blandt andet om, hvordan I skal ankomme og forlade lokaler og afspritning af borde og stole. Jeres underviser vil informere jer nærmere herom. Vi sætter pris på jeres samarbejde her.

Hvis nogen af jer er i særlig risikogruppe og derfor ikke kan deltage i campusaktiviteter, vil vi bede jer om at kontakte jeres koordinator og studiesekretær, så vi kan finde en løsning for jer.

Giver disse information anledning til spørgsmål, må I endelig række ud efter jeres studienævnsformand, koordinator, studiesekretær eller mig.

På vegne af hele staben omkring jer, vil jeg ønske jer en fortsat god dag og semesterstart.

Mange hilsner Mette


Dear students,

Shortly your semester will start and we look forward to welcome you and start an exciting semester that will be a combination of online and campus activities.

For the live streamed session we will primarily use Microsoft Teams. Attached are some guidelines for how to connect to Teams, raise questions etc.

To ensure we all take good care of each other, I am sending you a link to AAU’s guidelines for how you should respond if you suspect or have been infected with Covid-19:

I encourage you to become acquainted with the attached guidelines before you arrive at campus and uphold these, so we all can take good care of each other and minimize the risk of spreading the virus.

When arriving at campus and participating in campus activities, our faculty will ask you to participate actively in ensuring we respect the health regulations. They revolve around arriving and leaving seminar rooms and auditoriums and cleaning tables and chairs. Your lecturer will inform you about this on arrival. We appreciate you cooperation here.

If any of you are in the risk group, please reach out to your coordinator and study secretary, so we can find a suitable solution for you.

If this information raises any questions, please reach out to your Head of Study, coordinator study secretary or me.

On behalf of the whole faculty, I wish you a great day.




21. juli 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "News about Fall Semester teaching for full time students"

Dear all,

I hope this Friday find you all well. I am reaching out to inform you about the guidelines for our teaching at the full time studies this Fall Semester. Most of what Christian said yesterday at the Business School morning coffee will be realized. This means that a lot of our teaching will be digital this semester as well. I know you will all do your outmost to ensure that our students feel welcome and are invited into constructive learning spaces both at campus and online.

Regarding teaching:

  • All planned teaching activities will be carried out as planned.
  • We will uphold the health regulations with 1 m. distance between students and 2 m distance between teacher and students. To realize this all lectures will be livestreamed and subsequently uploaded to Moodle.
  • Regarding lectures, students will be divided into two or three groups, who will attend campus activities every second or third time. You will shortly be informed about group size and names in each group by your study secretary.
  • Regarding group exercises, students may be divided into smaller groups if needed to respect the 1m distance. If so you will be informed about this by your study secretary.
  • Would you wish to develop learning spaces that consist of asynchronous digital teaching and interactive sessions with students , you are free to do so. Didactical and technical support will be available if you are interested:
  • All digital hardware (microphones, cameras and IPad with questions from students etc.) needed to livestream campus activities will be provided to you and be ready for you in the seminar rooms and auditoriums. Vash, our new digital employee, will organize this process.
  • Vash will set up a “test site” in Fib. 2, room 125 from the 24th-30th August, where you can come and test the different possibilities. Please reach out to Vash: to arrange this.
  • Vash will also be of assistance if anyone needs help uploading digital content to Moodle.
  • All digital content uploaded to Moodle will be done in a manner where no students appear on screen.
  • Not all of our international students will be able to be in Denmark when the semester start. An agreement has been made with them that they come as soon as possible and they have been encouraged to contact the program coordinators. In the meantime they will follow our teaching online.

Regarding supervision:

  • It can be online or at campus in any combination you find best. If supervision takes place at campus, health regulations need to be uphold.

Regarding safety at campus:

  • All seminar rooms and auditoriums will be provided with disinfection kits and guidelines for how to uphold health regulations, entering and leaving the rooms etc.
  • Posters will be visible on campus informing students and colleagues about how to uphold health regulations at campus.
  • We have bought face mask and plastic gloves. Please reach out to Dorte and Kirsten, if you would be interested in this.
  • You will shortly be informed about procedures if a student feels ill, is being tested or has been infected with Covid-19.

Information about exams will come later.

Below you will find the information sent out to our students to inform them about the Fall semester and teaching. Roman and Louise has once again made excellent videos that will be sent out to our students.

Please also visit: for tutorials. Guides and other inspiration.

Like with the Spring semester, these are indeed new times for all of us, and I am very grateful for your effort and attitude in all of this. If you can think of any ideas that will make the welcome process and learning journey for your own or all of our students, I, the Head of Studies and the rest of management team are more than happy to hear from you.

All the best wishes



English below

Kære fuldtidsstuderende

Først og fremmest et kæmpe velkommen til et nyt semester. For nogen af jer betyder dette starten på et nyt liv som universitetsstuderende, for andre er det mere gensynsglæde. Fælles er dog, at det både for jer og for os, er det første semester, der afvikles på Business School, AAU.

Covid-19 er stadig blandt os og derfor har vi taget en række forbehold, der skal sikre, at efterårets undervisning kommer til at blive afviklet på en måde, så jeres undervisning og læring foregår under så sikre rammer som muligt. Dette betyder, at I vil opleve en blanding af undervisning, der foregår online og på campus i mindre hold. I vil inden for kort tid blive informeret af jeres studiesekretær om, hvilket hold, I er på og hvornår I skal følge undervisning på campus og hvornår I skal følge det online.

Al undervisning vil blive optaget og lagt på Moodle efterfølgende. I det uploaded materiale vil der ikke optræde nogen studerende. Det er ikke tilladt, at du selv optager nogle sessioner på campus medmindre underviser og samtlige medstuderende giver samtykke herom.

Uanset hvor I sidder og om I deltager online eller på campus vil vi sikre, at undervisningen bliver levende, involverende, udfordrende og på spændende vis bygger bro mellem teori og praksis. Vi opfordrer jer alle til at deltage aktivt, bringe jer selv i spil og være med til at skabe nogle inspirerende læringsrum.

Mens I venter på at komme rigtig i gang med semestret vil vi opfordre jer til at lære de forskellige platforme, som vi kommer til at bruge at kende. Vi arbejder primært med Moodle, Teams og Zoom. Vi sender jer links til nogle små tutorials, der kan hjælpe jer i gang:

Når I ankommer til campus vil der være en række sundhedsmæssige retningslinjer, som vi alle skal hjælpe os selv og hinanden med at huske på og respektere. Skulle du eller en af dine medstuderende være i risiko for at være eller er blevet smittet med Covid-19 har vi faste procedurer for at håndtere dette. Disse vil du blive informeret om dette forud for semesterstart.

Information omkring eksamen vil komme senere.

Skulle du have nogen spørgsmål står koordinator, studiesekretær, din studienævnsformand eller jeg klar til at besvare dem.

Vi glæder os til at se jer til semesterstart – online og på campus.

De bedste hilsner på vegne af hele underviserstaben på fuldtidsstudierne ved Business School, AAU

Mette Vinther Larsen

Studieleder for fuldtidsstudierne


Dear full time students,

First and foremost a huge welcome to all of you. For some of you this marks the beginning of a life as university student. For others this is a reuinion joy. Common for all of us – faculty and students – this is the first semester on Business School, AAU.

Covid-19 is still amongst us, hence we have decided on some precautions that will ensure that the Fall semester will be realized in a way where your teaching and learning will take place under as safe circumstances as possible. This means that you will experience a mixture of online and campus anchored learning spaces in smaller groups. Shortly you will receive information about when you will participate online and when on campus.

All teaching will be uploaded on Moodle subsequently in a form where no students appear. It is not allowed for you to record any activities on campus unless approved by faculty and all fellow students.

Independent on whether you will experience teaching online or at campus, we will ensure that it is inspiring, inviting and in new and innovative ways bridge theory and practice . We encourage you to participate in engaging ways and help create exciting learning spaces.

While you wait for the semester to start, we encourage you to become acquainted with the different platforms we use for teaching. We primarily use Moodle, Teams and Zoom. We send you various links that introduce the various platforms:


When you arrive at campus there will be different health regulations that we all will need to practice to take care of ourselves and each other. If you or one of your fellow students are in the risk of or has been infected with Covid-19 we have standard procedures for dealing with this. You will be informed about this before the semester starts.

Information about exams will come later.

If you have any questions concerning this your coordinator, study secretary, Head of Studies or me will be happy to answer them.

We look forward to welcome you when the semester starts – online and on campus.

All the best wishes on behalf of all involved in teaching at the full time studies at Business School, AAU.

Mette Vinther Larsen

Head of full time studies




1. JUlI 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "Teaching and digitalisation Fall semester"


Template - VIP og digitale læringsforløb DK

Template - VIP og digitale læringsforløb UK

Dear colleagues,

I hope you have had a great day so far. I have had colleagues reach out to me asking for how the information concerning the coming Fall semester should be interpreted. To follow up on that, I here present you with the preliminary plan.

Please keep in mind that this is the preliminary plan, we will make no final decisions before we return in August and know what the government and AAU will advise us to do:

All planned activities, progression and structure of the various modules will be realized as planned both academically and administratively.

If we are only allowed to fill our seminar/lecture rooms with 50% we will divide our students into two teams and live stream and record all activities where you have planned that all students should participate on campus in the same room. This way we ensure all students – geographically and with respect to health concerns – can be part of the learning process. If the percentage changes the division of students will be adjusted to our guidelines. Together with Morten Lund and Jeppe Stricker I am working on having digital kits and human resources ready to support you if this scenario has to be realized.

Extra initiatives are being developed to onboard our new 1. Semester students on both the bachelor- and master level. If any of you have ideas, I know your Heads of Studies will welcome these – as long as you do not put too much work pressure on yourself. Our digital task force is e.g. developing a digital welcome package to all our 1. Semester students on how to use Moodle, Teams, Zoom etc. so they feel welcome from day 1.

All digital development initiatives are welcomed and any of you who wish to develop e-learning please fill out the attached template where you can ask for technical and didactical support and resources and send it to me, then I will make sure we get the process started the right way and you have the support your need.

We have made this decision to respect the resources available and all the effort you have put in designing inspiring learning spaces for our students the coming Fall, simultaneously as you have worked on becoming digital natives. We want to support this development in a way that is sustainable. Individually and organisationally.

Over the Fall semester, I and colleagues will invite you and our students to support us in identifying and qualifying how we – at the AAU Business School – can develop a blended learning design, where digital initiatives go hand in hand with our PBL learning philosphy and add value to the learning spaces. For us and for our students.

I hope this makes the process more transperant and I wish you an amazing Summer J

In August, I will get back to you with more details.

All the best on behalf of the whole management team.





11. juni 2020

Mail fra Mette Vinther Larsen om "Guidelines for exams at campus"


Guide_campus eksaminer foråret 2020_eksaminator_censor

Guide_campus exams spring 2020_examiner_censor

Guide_campus eksaminer foråret 2020_studerende

Guide_campus exams spring 2020_students

RETNINGSLINJER eksamenslokaler

Dear all,

The final exams are approaching and for some of you these will be held at campus. Some will have censor, students or yourself participating online. To ensure that you experience an constructive exam we have developed the attached guidelines. Attached are both guidelines for students and examiner/censor. Our study secretaries will make sure that our students and censors receive these. Below you can find the mail that our students have received.

At the exam there will be a really great camera and a good loud speaker available in the exam room that are easily applicable to a pc/mac via n USB stick, and ensure that you, censor or students that are participating online will be able to see everyone in the room and be able to participate in the dialogue on equal terms.

It is the students’ responsibility to make sure there is a pc/mac available that can be connected to the microphone and camera. In the room there will be different sticks, extension cords etc. available.

In the exam room there will be guidelines for cleaning that we kindly ask you to follow. These are also attached this mail

If you have any questions, please reach out to your study secretary, head of study boards or me.

On behalf of the digital team and the management team, I wish you some really great exams.

Best wishes



English below

Kære studerende

Jeres afsluttende eksaminer står for døren og for nogen af jer kommer de til at foregå på campus. Nogen vil have eksaminator, censor og/eller gruppemedlemmer med online og for at understøtte, at dette fungerer optimalt har vi udarbejdet vedhæftede guidelines.

Til selve eksaminationen vil der være et rigtig godt kamera, og en god mikrofon tilgængelig, som med et simpelt stik sluttes til en pc/mac med et USB stik og sikrer, at eksaminator, censor og/eller gruppemedlemmer, der potentielt deltager online kan se alle i rummet og være med i dialogen på lige vilkår.

Det er jer som studerende, der skal medbringe en pc/mac, der kan tilsluttes til kamera og mikrofon. Der vil være stik, forlængerledninger etc. tilgængelig.

I eksamensrummet vil der være guidelines for rengøring, som I bedes følge.

Hvis I har nogle spørgsmål til dette, rækker I blot ud efter jeres studiesekretær, studienævnsformand eller mig.

På vegne af hele medarbejderstaben på fuldtidsstudierne på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse ønskes I tillykke med, at I er kommet så langt med jeres studier og vi ønsker jer alle en rigtig god eksamen.

Mange hilsner

Mette Vinther Larsen


Dear students,

Your final exams are approaching and for some of you these will be held at campus. Some will have examiner, censor or fellow students that are participating online. To ensure that you experience an constructive exam we have developed the attached guideline.

At the exam there will be a really great camera and a good loud speaker available in the exam room that are easily applicable to a pc/mac via n USB stick, and ensure that examiner, censor or fellow students that are participating online will be able to see everyone in the room and be able to participate in the dialogue on equal terms.

It is you responsibility as students to make sure there is a pc/mac available that can be connected to the microphone and camera. In the room there will be different sticks, extension cords etc. available.

In the exam room there will be guidelines for cleaning that we kindly ask you to follow.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your study secretary, head of study boards or me.

On behalf of all the employees at the full time studies at Department of Business and Management, we congratulate you with having come so far and wish you a really great exam.

Best wishes

Mette Vinther Larsen




15. maj 2020

mail fra mette vinther larsen om "News and updates on digitalization"


Raise your hand

(Please also see attachments - templates - under the email to students below).

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great week and can look forward to a great weekend.

Over the last couple of days some changes and updates regarding the digitalization of our Spring semester and the exams have occurred. So I reach out to you to share three insights and updates with you:

  1. Microsoft Teams now has nine screens on the userface. I am sure many of you already have noticed this new and much needed feature. Regarding supervision and the coming exams this means that we are now much better equipped :-)
  2. AAU has decided that students can sit together in groups during digital group exams if the supervisor supports it. I invite you to talk with your students and discuss which solution you believe will create the best learning space for the students.  Attached you will find a template that your students will have to fill out and send to the study secretary, if you and the group decide that some of or the whole group should sit together during the digital exam. If you choose this solution, I encourage you to discuss the guidelines for the exam with the students and your censor in advance. Our full time students have been advised about this possibility today. Below you will find the mail our study secretaries have sent them.  Below I have inserted the general information we have received from AAU regarding this. I apologize that it is only in Danish.
  3. Our amazing local digi task force has worked intensely on developing new videos:

On behalf of the whole management team I wish you a wonderful and sunny weekend. Hope you take good care of yourself and those around you that you are able to spend time with.




mail fra studiesekretærerne (via Moodle) til de studerende om "Nye informationer i forhold til afholdelse af digitale eksaminer"


Template - informationsblanket - skal udfyldes og afleveres såfremt de studerende ønsker at sidde sammen til en mundtlig gruppeeksamen (2020.05.15)

Template group exams UK

Kære studerende

Jeg håber, at I har haft en god uge og kan se frem til en weekend med solskin.

Vi er godt i gang med digital vejledning og digitale eksaminer og fra hele instituttet skal der lyde en stor tak til jer for jeres konstruktive og professionelle tilgang til de nye online platforme.

Det er en fornøjelse at høre fra jer, undervisere og studiesekretærer, at digitale platforme godt kan skabe rammer for spændende læringsforløb og at de udfordringer, som I er løbet ind i er blevet håndteret på fin vis.

I løbet af de sidste par dage er der sket en række ændringer på AAU, som vi gerne vil dele med jer:

  1. Microsoft Teams tilbyder nu ni skærme på brugerfladen. Vi satser på, at det vil understøtte jer i at gøre både jeres vejledning og eksamen langt mere interaktiv.
  2. AAU har besluttet, at studerende, der skal til digital gruppeeksamen gerne må sidde sammen fysisk, hvis deres vejleder tillader det. I praksis betyder det, at I som grupper skal tage en snak med jeres vejleder om, hvilken konstellation, der vil skabe de bedste rammer for jeres eksamen. Ønsker I og jeres vejleder at benytte jer af denne mulighed, skal I udfylde vedhæftede template og sørge for at sende den rettidigt til jeres studiesekretær. De reviderede regler for eksamen kan I finde på Uddannelsesjura og Sekretariats hjemmeside.
  3. Vores lokale digitale taskforce har udviklet en video til jer, der introducerer, hvordan I som studerende kan logge på og manøvrere rundt på Microsoft Teams under eksaminer: Husk også at orientere os i vores guidelines for online eksaminer før I skal til eksamen.

Skulle dette rejse nogle spørgsmål, må I altid række ud efter os. Vores studiesekretærer, koordinatorer, studienævnsformænd og jeg selv står altid klar til at hjælpe jer.

Mange hilsner og ønsker om en god eftermiddag og weekend fra hele medarbejderstaben på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse.

Mette Vinther Larsen


Dear students,

I hope you have had a great week and can look forward to a nice weekend.

We are off to a good start with the digital supervision and exams and from the whole department I send you a huge thank you for your constructive and professional approach to the new platforms.

 It is a genuine pleasure to hear from you, the faculty and our study secretaries that digital platforms can create exciting learning spaces. Furthermore, that the technical problems you have encountered have been solved smoothly and efficient.

Over the last couple of days some changes and updates regarding the digitalization of our Spring semester and the exams have occurred that we wish to share with you: 

  1. Microsoft Teams now has nine screens on the user face. This will hopefully make both supervision and the coming exams more interactive.
  2. AAU has decided that students can sit together in groups during digital group exams if the supervisor supports it. I invite you to talk with your supervisor and discuss which solution you believe will create the best learning space for you. Attached you will find a template that you will have to fill out and send to the study secretary, if you and your supervisor decide that some of or the whole group should sit together during the digital exam. The new rules regarding exams are here: Uddannelsesjura og Sekretariats hjemmeside
  3. Our local local digital task force has developed a video for you on how to participate in Exams in MS Teams:

Should this raise any questions, please reach out to us. Our study secretaries, coordinators, heads of study boards and myself are always ready to help you.

On behalf of the whole faculty at Department of Business and Management, I wish you a lovely and sunny weekend.

Mette Vinther Larsen




24. april 2020

Mail fra Louise Brøns Kringelum om "Opfølgende introduktion MS Teams eksterne lektorer og censorer"

Kære studiesekretærer

Det lyder til at alt går strygende med oprettelse og afholdelse af eksaminer :-).

Vi afklarede nogle spørgsmål i onsdagens webinar for undervisere, men hvis I løber ind i nogle spørgsmål eller selv sidder med nogle, må I endelige skrive.

Hermed et par opfølgende introduktioner til MS teams for hhv. eksterne lektorer og eksterne censorer – pt. på dansk, så skriv endelig hvis nogle af Jer har eksterne lektorer/censorer, der har behov for engelsk version.

Introduktion til hvordan eksterne censorer tilgår MS Teams:

Introduktion til hvordan eksterne lektorer logger på AAU MS Teams:






20. april 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "News, rules and regulations regarding digital exams"


Regler for afvikling af prøver i forårssemesteret 2020 17042020

Dear all,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and found time to enjoy the wonderful Spring weather. No matter how everything else evolves at the moment, at least the weather is being extremely kind towards us J

Regarding our exams that for the Spring Semester all will be digital, I am sending you some updates about the way we conduct exams:

At the moment I and the other Head of Studies are in dialogue with the Vice Head og Education at the Social Sciences about how the COVID-19 situation may influence the coming Fall semester in relation to Internships, digital teaching, international guest students etc. I will keep you informed about the progression here, and as soon as I have information, I will share them with you.

Educational Law has updated the rules and regulations for conducting digital exams. I attach these and below you can find the changes from previous versions. I apologize that they are only in Danish. If you have concrete questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. All changes, rules and regulations are incorporated in the way, Henriette and I have reached out to you regarding how to realize the exams digitally.

ITS are working on developing some general guidelines and information regarding conduction digital exams, we can rely on at AAU. They are congruent with what we have developed so far and a special thank you goes out to Louise and Roman who have done huge work in developing small tutorials for using Microsoft Teams online. I attach these and below you can find the changes from previous versions. I apologize that they are only in Danish. If you have concrete questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Please remember to visit our local webpage for resources regarding digital exams: where you will find tutorials, guides and information about digital exams.

AAU’s COVID-19 website:

CDUL (AAU’s Center for Digital Learning and Teaching) website:

Furthermore, do not hesitate to reach out to our local digi-taskforce; Morten Lund, Mette Hjort, Louise and Roman

I wish you a lovely and sunny afternoon.

On behalf of the management and digi-team,




Den 14. april 2020 kom der en udmelding fra AAU’s direktion om, at eksaminerne resten af forårssemesteret 2020 skal afvikles online.

På den baggrund har der været behov for at opdatere AAU’s regler for afvikling af prøver.

Der fremsendes derfor en opdateret version af reglerne med nogle ændringer og tilføjelser. De nye regler vil også hurtigst muligt blive tilgængelige på Uddannelsesjura og Sekretariats hjemmeside.

Nedenfor følger en gennemgang af de væsentligste ændringer i reglerne:

Ændringer i reglerne

Formål og afgrænsning

  • Det er præciseret, at reglerne gælder for alle prøver, der afvikles i forårssemesteret 2020 i overensstemmelse med direktionens udmelding herom.
  • Det er tilføjet, at reglerne er et tillæg til eksamensordningen. Reglerne i Eksamensordningen er også gældende ved afviklingen af digitale prøver, med undtagelse af de regler, der er beskrevet i reglerne for afvikling af prøver i forårssemesteret 2020.

1.0 Digital afvikling af mundtlige prøver

  • Det er præciseret, hvad der sker, såfremt bedømmerne vurderer, at betingelserne for prøven ikke er opfyldt. Det er tilføjet, at den studerende bruger et prøveforsøg, samt hvilken bedømmelse den studerende skal tildeles.
  • De studerende skal aflevere tro og love-erklæringen kl. 12 to hverdage før (og ikke sidste hverdag før, som tidligere).
  • Det er tilføjet, at Studienævnet har ansvaret for at sikre, at de studerende er informeret om tro og love-erklæringen, og hvordan den udfyldes.
  • Det er tilføjet, at bedømmerne ved afbrydelser skal foretage en konkret, faglig vurdering af, hvor stor betydning afbrydelserne har haft for eksaminationen og på den baggrund beslutte, hvor meget ekstra tid de studerende skal tildeles.
  • Det er tilføjet, at Studienævnet skal orientere de studerende om, hvordan prøven afvikles senest 14 dage før prøvens afholdelse.

2.0 Digital afvikling af skriftlige stedprøver

  • Det er tilføjet, at prøverne skal forsøges afholdt digitalt, men der kan forekomme enkelte prøver, som ikke kan omlægges til digitalt format. Disse må helt ekstraordinært udskydes til AAU åbner igen.
  • De studerende skal aflevere tro og love-erklæringen kl. 12 to hverdage før (og ikke sidste hverdag før, som tidligere).
  • Det er tilføjet, at Studienævnet har ansvaret for at sikre, at de studerende er informeret om tro og love-erklæringen, og hvordan den udfyldes.

3.0 Dispensation fra gældende studieordning og 3.1 dispensation til ændring af prøveform

  • Det er tilføjet, at dispensationsansøgninger fra gældende studieordninger skal sendes til senest 14 dage før prøvens afholdelse.
  • Det er præciseret, hvornår der skal søges dispensation fra gældende studieordning, herunder mulighederne for at søge dispensation ved prøveformen ”aktiv deltagelse/løbende evaluering”

3.3 Dispensation fra læringsmål

  • Det er tilføjet, at dispensationer fra læringsmålene vil gælde for den ordinære eksamen og den reeksamen, der afholdes i denne eksamenstermin.

Der arbejdes på et tillæg til reglerne

Uddannelsesjura har modtaget spørgsmål og feedback til reglerne. Studieservice udarbejder i den forbindelse et tillæg til reglerne med gode råd og vejledning til udmøntning af reglerne.

Tillægget vil blive placeret på en hjemmeside, hvor det løbende bliver opdateret, når der kommer nye idéer/forslag/spørgsmål, hvor Uddannelsesjura finder det relevant at vidensdele.  

Første oplæg til tillægget bliver tilgængeligt i næste uge, og I bliver orienteret om det, når tillægget er online.  

Udmelding til de studerende om ændrede regler

Studienævnene bedes sikre, at der indsættes et link på Moodle til Uddannelsesjuras hjemmeside:

De studerende skal orienteres om, at de altid kan finde de gældende regler for digitale eksaminer på denne side, og at reglerne løbende opdateres.  

Såfremt I har spørgsmål til ovenstående, er I velkomne til at kontakte Jesper ( eller mig.

Med venlig hilsen

Christina Buhl



Vejledningerne vedr. virtuelle eksamener under corona nedlukning er nu også opdateret

  • Opdateret i henhold til de nye regler
  • Opstramning – mere korte og præcise vejledninger
  • Revideret dokument til vedhæftning som eksamensinformation
  • Information i mødeindkaldelser om ny test-møde-service fra ITS Support

Med venlig hilsen

P.v.a. Corona-eksamen-taskforce


17. APRIL 2020

MAIL FRA Karina Knudsen OM "Invitation til webinar Q&A om digital undervisning på onsdag d. 22. april"

Kære alle

Hermed invitation til deltagelse i webinar Q&A om digital undervisning på onsdag d. 22. april. Mødet tilgås på nedenstående link:
Deltag i Microsoft Teams-møde [OBS: mødet er afholdt, men der er links til en række relevante videoer nedenfor]. 

På mødet vil medlemmer af instituttets digitaliserings task force besvare spørgsmål der går ud over det helt basale som er dækket i nedenstående materiale.

Det er meget vigtigt at eksterne lektorer benytter deres AAU-mail til at downloade og installere programmerne. Såfremt en ekstern lektor ikke kan huske sin aau mail og login, kan mailadresse findes ved at google sit navn efterfulgt af AAU, hvor de så vil kunne finde den i VBN. Koden kan fås ved gå ind på bruger sit nem id til at nulstille sin kode.

Microsoft Teams:

Video om at installere MS teams:

Video om etablering af private kanaler:

​Video om at indkalde til eksamen via MS teams outlook funktion:

Video om at indkalde studerende til eksamen og sende dem ud under votering:

​Video om hvordan studerende deler deres slides til oplæg under eksamen i MS Teams:

OBS: vi anbefaler fortsat at de også fremsendes til eksaminator og censor forud for eksamen.

​Video om hvordan invitation til MS Teams møde via outlook ser ud fra modtagerens vinkel:


Klik på fanen ”Video-vejledninger til Panopto-forelæsninger på moodle

Digi task force




14. april 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "We are going digital for the rest of the semester"


Erklæring - uni og proff marts 2020

AUB - hjælp til uddannelsernes informationsbehov v2

AUB - hjælp til uddannelsernes informationsbehov v2-da_dk-en_gb-C

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great day and a lovely Easter Break.

As presented earlier today, all activities regarding teaching, supervision and exams at AAU will be digitalized for the whole Spring semester.

We are already far ahead with planning exams online and will reach out to those of you who have exams for the remaining semester and engage in dialogue with you about how you believe it will be best to realize your exams. We work towards ensuring and firmly believe we will be able to make sure that all our students will be able to complete the semester as planned with digital exams.

I apologize in advance for the extra work this decision may cause you and ensure you that we will do our best to support you all in the digital process. Our study secretaries have been informed about this decision and are ready to support you. Please also reach out to our local digi-taskforce and ask for their support.

Our students will today also receive a mail from us where we inform them that we all strive to ensure them the best possible conditions. Below you will find the information sent out to our students.

Additionally, I attach documents from our library that sum up the services they offer in these COVID-19 situation. I encourage you to discuss these opportunities with your students and make use of this valuable resource. Attached is also a dispensation from COPY-DAN to copy more than normally. The latter document is only available in Danish.

On behalf of the management team and the heads of our study boards, I wish you all a lovely afternoon. Hope you will enjoy the sun and life outside – in good distance from other people.

Mette Vinther Larsen


English below

Kære studerende

Vi håber, at I har haft en fin dag og kan se frem til en god weekend.

Som annonceret tidligere i dag, er det besluttet, at alle undervisningsaktiviteter, vejledning samt eksaminer på på forårssemestret 2020 ved AAU vil blive afviklet digitalt.

På fuldtidsstudierne hos Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse er vi allerede godt i gang med at planlægge eksaminer for resten af semestret og I vil løbende blive informeret omkring, hvordan jeres skriftlige og mundtlige eksaminer vil blive afviklet digitalt. Vi arbejder hårdt på og er overbevist om, at I alle sammen vil kunne gennemføre jeres semester som planlagt med digitale eksaminer.

Jeg beklager dybt for det ekstra arbjede og den yderligere omstilling, som dette medfører for jer. Vi arbejder intenst på at sikre de bedst tænkelige vilkår for at afvikle eksaminerne digitalt og jeres studiesekretærer, undervisere, studienævnsformænd og jeg står klar til at hjælpe jer med at besvare eventuellt spørgsmål, I måtte have.

Selvom dette ikke er den planlagte måde at afslutte jeres semester og for nogens vedkommende uddannelse på, så garanterer vi, at vi vil gøre vores ypperste for at fejre jer på trods af dette.

Vedhæftet denne mail er informationer fra AAU bibliotek, der oplyser jer om de services, som de tilbyder jer under COVID-19 karantænen. Jeg vil opfordre jer til at udnytte disse fine muligheder og eventuelt diskutere tilbudene med jeres vejleder.

På vegne af hele hele underviserstaben og ledelsen på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse vil jeg ønske jer en god eftermiddag.

Pas godt på jer selv og hinanden.

Mette Vinther Larsen

Studieleder for Fuldtidsstudier


Dear students,

I hope you have had a great day and a lovely Easter break.

As announced earlier today, it has been decided that all activities regarding teaching, supervision and exams at AAU will be digitalized for the whole Spring semester..

At the full time studies at Department of Business and Management, we are already far ahead with planning exams online and will timely inform you about how your written and oral exams for the remaining semester will be realized digitally. We work towards ensuring and firmly believe we will be able to make sure that all of you will be able to complete the semester as planned with digital exams.

I apologize in advance for the extra work and change in mindset this decision may cause you, and ensure you that we work dedicated with ensuring the best possible conditions for your digital exams. Our study secretaries, faculty, Heads of Study Boards and I are here to support you, and are ready to answer all questions this may cause.

Even though this is not the planned way for your to finalize the semester and for some of you your study programs, I ensure you that we all strive towards celebrating you in the best way possible despite the current situation.

Additionally, I attach documents from our library that sum up the services they offer in these COVID-19 situation. I encourage you to make use of this valuable resource and engage in dialogue with your supervisor about how best to make use of these services.

On behalf of the faculty and management team, I wish you all a great afternoon.

Take the best care of yourself and each other.

Mette Vinther Larsen

Head of Full Time Studies 



27. marts 2020

Mail fra Mette Vinther Larsen om "Updates from our digi-team"


Anbefalinger til studierne om at støtte op om studerende på deres studie


Tips til god studierytme i Corona-tiden

Tips for a good study rhythm in the time of Corona

Dear all,

we hope you have had a great day and are ready for a weekend that hopefully will allow you to enjoy the sunshine. First and foremost, thank you all for your effort in this second whole week at home. I know you work hard to ensure good learning spaces for our students and master a pragmatic work-life balance.

During this week we have worked on enabling digital solutions for exams until the end of April, and thank you all for your constructive cooperation in this aspect. Time will tell if we will need to realize all of these digital exams or we will be able to get back at campus. No matter what happens, we are prepared.

This week the digital task force has spent time making sure our qualified study secretaries are prepped for online exams. The study secretaries have worked in various ways with getting familiarized with Microsoft Teams. So a huge thank you for the heroic effort to all out study secretaries.

Next week the digital task force will have a look at the examiners side of exams. Those of you who have exams within the next four weeks will receive an invitation to a webinar where we will answer questions that goes beyond the tutorial materials below.

Louise has developed a line of small introductory videos that the study secretaries have received and distributed among internal and external examiners and censors. We share these with you – as they might also be beneficial for you. Please bear in mind that they are all in Danish. If you want them translated please reach out to the local digital taskforce:

Video for establishing private channels for conducting oral exams online.

Video for inviting students to the exam and asking them to leave during grading. 

Video to help examiner and censor to install MT. 

Video for using MT with people outside AAU. 

Video on how students can share slides during their exam on MT (We still recommend students to share these 24 hours prior to the exam).

Video om how to create invitations for meetings through outlook with MT (the method we have used for the first few individual oral exams). 

Furthermore I want to inform you that AUB is working hard on making as much of their existing literature available as e-books so our students can access as much literature as possible from home.

Ina has in cooperation from Torben gathered all the mails, links and information about the ongoing COVID-19 situation on our intranet. So instead of going through all the previous mails, please visit: if you want an overview of what we have sent out.

Today, our full time students have via our study secretaries received a mail with tips and tricks from AAU’s study counselling for how to act as a home-quarantined student and information about their exams. They have also sent us some information on how to support the students these times. I have attaced the documents and inserted the mail to the students below, so you all know what information they have rceived.

On behalf of the the management team and local digi task force, I wish you all a lovely weekend.



Kære studiesekretærer

Jeg håber, at I har haft en rigtig fin fredag og snart er ved at være klar til weekend. Nu er de første eksaminer afviklet og de næste kommer i starten af næste uge. Jeg er spændt på at høre, hvad jeres oplevelser har været, så vi kan samle op på de bedste erfaringer og dele mellem jer.

Send dem endelig til mig og så vil vi også række ud efter jer i næste uge, så vi kan samlet denne viden sammen.

Studievejledningen på AAU har samlet nogle fifs og tricks om, hvordan man kan organisere sig som hjemmestuderende, som er vedhæftet denne mail. Vil I være søde at dele dem med jeres studerende? Ydermere er det informationer til vores studerende om afviklingen af deres eksaminer. Jeg ved flere af jer allerede er i dialog med studerende herom. Der kommer en udmelding fra Dekanatet senere i dag, som supplerer vores.

Nedenfor er en tekst, som I gerne må dele med de studerende, så de alle har fået samme information. Jeg har lavet teksten således, at den både kan rumme informationer om eksamen og Studievejledningens fifs og tips om at være hjemmestuderende.

Jeg vil ønske jer en rigtig dejlig weekend og takke jer for en uge med flot indsats og tak for, at I tager så godt imod alle de nye inputs, platforme og guidelines.

Mange hilsner Mette


For English below

Kære studerende

Jeg håber, at I har haft en fin dag indtil videre.

Skriver ud for at informere jer om status for jeres eksaminer. Samtidig sender vi jer nogle fifs og tricks i forhold til at være studerende under disse COVID-19 tider, som AAU’s studievejledning har udviklet.

Grundet situationen med COVID-19, er det reelt usikkert, hvor længe campus vil være lukket. Så længe campus er lukket kan vi ikke afvikle eksaminer skriftlige såvel som mundtlige på campus.

Af den grund er vi i gang med at lave jeres eksaminer om fra campuseksaminer til digitale eksaminer i den periode, hvor Regeringen har meldt ud, at campus er lukket. Det vil sige, at som tingene er lige nu, så vil alle eksaminer – med meget få undtagelser -  der ligger i perioden til og med 13. april blive afviklet digitalt – skriftlige såvel som mundtlige.

Vi vil løbende informere jer om, hvordan jeres eksaminer vil blive afviklet og tilstræber, at I får dette at vide mindst 10-12 dage før jeres eksamen skal afvikles, så I har tid til at omstille jer til digitale eksaminer. Som understøttelse af denne omstilling har vi udarbejdet den guideline, som I fik tilsendt i onsdags.

Vælger Regeringen at forlænge karantænen eller træffes der andre beslutninger, der medfører en fortsat lukning af campus, vil de eksaminer – med meget få undtagelser - , der ligger i den potentielt nye karantæne også blive afviklet digitalt – skriftligt såvel som mundtligt.

I vil løbende blive informeret omkring udviklingen omkring eksaminer og hvordan I bedst kan håndtere situationen som hjemmestuderende.

Mange hilsner og ønsker om en god weekend fra hele Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse.

Mette Vinther Larsen

Studieleder for fuldtidsstudier


Dear students,

I hope you have had a great day so far.

I am reaching out to you to inform you about the status of your exams. Furthermore, I am attaching some tips and tricks that AAU’s study service have deloped to support the process of being a home-student during these times.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, it is unsure how long campus will be closed. As long as campus is closed, we are not able to have written or oral exams at campus. As a consequence, we are transforming all your written and oral exams – with very few exceptions – to digital exams in the period from now until 13th April, which is the date that our Government has decided to close the Danish Universities.

We will inform you on an ongoing basis about how your exams will be held and we work towards informing you timely – 10-12 days prior to your exam, so you have time to familiarize yourself with the digital conduct of the exam. As a support to familiarize yourself we made the guide, you received Wednesday.

If the Government decides to prolong the quarantine or other decisions are made that will lead to a continuation of campus being closed, all oral and written exams will – with very few exceptions – be held digital for as long as the quarantine is upheld.

You will be informed ongoing about the development regarding your exams and how you can embrace being a home-quarantined student.

All the best wishes for a sunny day from the whole Department of Business and Management.

Mette Vinther Larsen

Head of Full time Studies



25. MARTS 2020

Mail fra Mette Vinther Larsen om "Guides digital exams online"


digital exam guide - stud_dansk_25.03

digital exam guide - stud_eng_25.03

digital exam guide - underviser_dansk_25.03

digital exam guide - underviser_eng_25.03

For English below

Kære alle sammen

Håber I nyder det smukke vejr uden for og kan balancere tid til både familie og arbejde i de her tider.

De første digitale eksaminer starter allerede i denne uge og for at sikre, at de eksaminer, som du inden for kort tid skal deltage i har høj kvalitet og skaber de bedste rammer for, at fuldtidsstuderende på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse kan demonstrere deres viden, færdigheder og kompetencer, har vi udviklet nogle guidelines. En til eksaminator og censor og en til studerende.

Jeg har vedhæftet disse guides og vil bede dig om at sætte dig godt ind i disse guidelines i god tid før eksamen. Ræk ud efter studienævnsformændene eller mig, hvis du har spørgsmål eller kommentarer, så vi kan sikre nogle udviklende eksaminer for vores studerende.

Vores studiesekretærer vil sørge for, at censorer modtager og studerende modtager disse i god tid før deres eksamen.

Hvis der er spørgsmål eller kommentarer, så meld endelig tilbage.

Mange hilsner Mette

Neden for kan du se, hvad vores studiesekretærer sender ud til vores studerende på moodle.


Dear all,

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and are able to balance family and work these days.

The first digital exams will already start this week and in order to ensure that the exams that you will soon be participating in are of high quality and provide the best framework for full-time students at the Department of Business and Management to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and competencies, we have developed some guidelines. One for our students and one for our examiners and censor.

I attach these guides to this mail and encourage you to familiarize yourself with these guidelines well in advance of the exam. Please reach out to the Heads of Study Boards or me if you have any questions or comments so we can secure that the exams are beneficial for our students.

Our secretaries will ensure that students and censors receive this timely before the actual exams.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

All the best Mette


Below, you can see, what our secretaries have sent out to our students via moodle.


Kære studerende

Vi håber, at I har haft en fin dag indtil nu og kan finde tid til at nyde solen uden for fra tid til anden.

For at sikre, at de digitale eksaminer, som du og dine medstuderende inden for kort tid skal deltage i har høj kvalitet samt, at sikre de bedst mulige vilkår for, at du/I kan demonstrere jeres viden, færdigheder og kompetencer, har vi på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse udviklet nogle guidelines. En af disse guidelines er til jer og den er vedhæftet denne mail.

Vi vil bede dig/jer om at sætte jer godt ind i disse guidelines i god tid før eksamen. Erfaringsudveksle og forventningsafstemme med medstuderende, vejleder og underviser, så vi i fællesskab kan sikre nogle inspirerende og udviklende eksaminer for dig og dine medstuderende.

Har du spørgsmål eller kommentarer, må du endelig række ud efter din underviser, studiesekretær, koordinator, studienævnsformand eller mig.

Med ønsker om en rigtig god dag fra alle på Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse

Mette Vinther Larsen


Dear students,

we hope that you have had a fine day so far and are able to enjoy a bit of sunshine now and then.

In order to ensure that the digital exams you and your fellow students will shortly participate in are of high quality, and create the best possible conditions for you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and competences, the Department of Business and Management have developed some guidelines. One of these guidelines are for you and it is attached to this mail.

We would like to ask you to familiarize yourself with these guidelines well in advance of the exam. Share your experiences and align expectations with fellow students, supervisors and examiners, so that we can jointly secure that the exams are inspiring and beneficial for you and your fellow students.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to your university instructor, secretary, semester coordinator, Head of Study Board or me.

On behalf of all the employees at the Department of Business and Mangement, I wish you a great day.

Mette Vinther Larsen




Kære studiesekretærer

Ud fra erfaringen med forberedelsen til den første digitale eksamen, som afholdes fredag, er her et par opfølgende videoer.

De er også lagt på Jeres studieadmin team.

Video om hvordan studerende deler deres slides til oplæg under eksamen i MS Teams.

OBS: vi anbefaler fortsat at de også fremsendes til eksaminator og censor forud for eksamen.

Video om hvordan invitation til MS Teams møde via outlook (den metode vi bruger til de første par enkeltstående eksaminer) ser ud fra den studerendes vinkel

Fortsat god aften :-).




24. marts 2020

Mail fra Louise Brøns Kringelum om "Videoguides MS Teams"

Kære studiesekretærer

Tak for nogle gode snakke i dag, og fordi I tager så godt i mod de digitale initiativer på MS Teams delen :-).

Som aftalt har jeg lavet et par korte videoguides til MS teams.

Video om etablering af private kanaler til eksamen

Video om at indkalde studerende til eksamen og sende dem ud under votering (obs grunden til at vi ikke kan høre lyden på den ”studerende” handler ikke om teams, men derimod om mine kompetencer i at huske, hvor jeg optager lyden fra :-))

Og skulle I have DVIP eller censor, som ikke har MS Teams i forvejen, er her en hurtig guide til installation.

Jeg har testet brugen af MS Teams i Outlook med deltagere uden for AAU, og har lavet en meget lille video af dette også.

I praksis modtager den eksterne en mail med MS teams linket og bliver spurgt om de ønsker at downloade MS teams som desk top app eller deltage fra web.

Derfra fungerer det ligesom de ”traditionelle” møder i teams.  Med samme mulighed for at hente studerende ind og sende dem ud under votering.

Jeg afventer fortsat svar fra Birgitte Egeskov, om vi vil få mulighed for at tilknytte eksterne censorer til vores MS Teams rum, så I nemmere kan invitere dem via kanaler.

Men jeg sender svar videre, så snart jeg har noget nyt.

Hvis I sidder med nogle spørgsmål, skal I endelig sende en mail eller ringe på 9940 2757. 

Mvh Louise.


23. marts 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "Monday greetings from our digital taskforce"

Dear all,

we hope you had a great first day of this second week of digitalization that we now know will last at least until after Easter. I am reaching out to you with updates from me and our local digital task force:

By now those of you who have teaching and supervision these weeks should be somewhat familiar with the systems. If you are still in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Tomorrow we will start introductions for the  study administration in order to administer digital exams. The primary focus will be MS Teams as it is more liable and has better functions for exams than Skype for Business. We recommend that Skype for Business is only used as back up in case MS Teams fails. 


If you wish to keep track if the students watch the material you publish on Panopto you can go to the panopto website and choose “Stats”. Here you can see how many watched the videos and for how long they watched. To use this function your material must be published as a video. Power Points with speak can be exported as video.

The central digitalization division is working on creating videos on how to manage the rights for the material you publish and how to edit the videos you make in Panopto. When they are ready they will be available on:

Digital Empirical methods

We are aware that the students are challenged by having to collect empirical data digitally and we have collected a small set of methods that we hope the study administration will distribute to the students and that the supervisors can familiarize themselves with in order to help the students finish their projects in a good and academically solid way. 

Digital Empirical methods:

Adam Jowett, Associate Head, School of Psychological Social & Behavioural Sciences at Coventry University has published a useful list on Twitter:

This book provides excellent guides on methods of data collection that don’t require face-to-face interaction: Braun, V., Clarke, V., & Gray, D. (Eds.). (2017). Collecting qualitative data: A practical guide to textual, media and virtual techniques. Cambridge University Press (available through AUB)

Conducting interviews via Skype (or Zoom, FaceTime etc) Lo Iacono, V., Symonds, P., & Brown, D. H. (2016). Skype as a tool for qualitative research interviews. Sociological Research Online, 21(2), 1-15.

Analysing media representations e.g. Jowett, A., & Peel, E. (2010). Seismic Cultural Change?”: British media representations of same-sex ‘marriage. In Women's Studies International Forum, 33(3), 206-214

Instant messaging interviews: Jowett, A., Peel, E., & Shaw, R. (2011). Online interviewing in psychology: Reflections on the process. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(4), 354-369

Analysing online forums: Jowett, A. (2015). A case for using online discussion forums in critical psychological research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12(3), 287-297.

Online vignette studies: Gray, D., Malson, H., & Royall, B. (2017). Hypothetically speaking: Using vignettes as a stand-alone qualitative method.

And some additions by Louise Kringelum

Designing and Conduction Research With Online Interviews

Online Interviews in Real Time

Litterature on qualitative methods for online data production (link to a dropbox folder).

Finally, I want to inform you that we are working on developing a guide for our students and one for our examiners and external assessors on how to conduct online exams in constructive and inspiring ways. You will receive these by Wednesday so our students who are attending exams next week can be informed timely.

We wish you a sunny afternoon!

Kind regards on behalf of the Digi Task Force




18. marts 2020

Mail fra Mette Vinther Larsen om "Updates from the digital taskforce"

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great day so far! The digital taskforce have held a meeting this morning and I am writing to let you know about the latest updates, ideas and support initiatives.

Please remember to let the team know if you need any kind of help. You can contact Mette Hjort, Roman, Morten Lund and Louise B. Kringelum directly via mail or the doodle. The groups wants to express:  “A great applause to all of you for the spirit and engagement you are showing in this extraordinary situation… We are here to help you.

Some central updates:

At the current moment, Panopto is experiencing a huge increase in activity and due to that their servers broke down yesterday. The problem should be under control now as they have increased their server capacity.

The Faculty has today advised us to only use the platforms we have license to use. Hence, please save videos on our own platforms and share links via MT, Moodle, Dropbox etc. that ensures that all data we share happens in a secure system.

Birgitte, the digitalization consultant from the faculty, has created a group in teams, where you can find articles, talks and experiences as inspiration to your future work with digitalization. The team is called SAMF forum and you can access it through this link.

Joining this MS Team and searching for inspiration on how to qualify your teaching, supervision and exercises is NOT the first step in the process but for when you are up and running and want to seek inspiration. Make sure to get familiar with the basics first. 

Furthermore, we would like to highlight a few inspirational articles on how to structure digital teaching. 

Tony Bates 

AAU currently does not have a legal agreement with Zoom but are working on getting it. Meanwhile, you can MS Teams as a substitute.

Gilly Salmons: 5 trin til god online undervisning (sorry this is in Danish).

On behalf of the team, I hope you are all being able to find a workspace and rhythm at home, and I wish you all the best in these new digital times.



16. MARTS 2020

MAIL FRA METTE VINTHER LARSEN OM "News from the local digital task force"

Dear all,

I hope that you have had a great weekend and I am extremely grateful for your approach to this urgent situation. I am very happy to follow your hard work and local initiatives with digitalizing our teaching on moodle.

The local digital task force have held a meeting today with the Faculty where the different activities have been coordinated. Based on that meeting I send you some additional information and inspiration:

Please go to: and let the task force members know if you need help. The team is more than ready to help you with the various platforms, so please do not hesitate to reach out for them. If you are all set on the digital please give us peace in mind by ticking of the option “all set” in the doodle.

For a short inspiration video for how to use Microsoft Teams for supervision please visit:

Please make sure to only use Microsoft Teams and other platforms for supervision and exercises/group work. Pre-record as much of your other teaching material asynchronous and upload it to Moodle or send the students a links as the network will not be able to support all teaching activities if we livestream all activities.

As encouraged earlier, please let us know how we can be of support and what questions, concerns and other inputs you might have.

All questions regarding exams are being dealt with at the moment in close collaboration with the Faculty. Henriette and I will reach out to you individually as module coordinators asap to engage in a dialogue with you about the various specific exams – requests and possibilities.

All the best wishes on this sunny afternoon.




13. marts 2020

Mail fra Mette Vinther Larsen om "Local digital taskforce"

Kære alle

Jeg håber, at I har haft en fin første arbejdsdag hjemme.

Der har i dag været 1. møde i vores lokalt nedsatte digitaliserings task force, som står til rådighed for at hjælpe med, at vi får afviklet undervisning og vejledning digitalt. 

Fakultetet har lavet en hel del materiale som hjælp til at komme i gang.

Der er mange forskellige løsningsmuligheder, og vi opfordrer til at alle undervisere kigger materialet igennem og vurderer, om de selv kan komme i gang med at bruge løsningerne.  

Task Forcen er blevet enige om at fokusere på få løsninger, som de primært supporterer i, for at gøre det så simpelt som muligt for jer.


Her anbefaler task forcen at bruge Panopto, som nemt kan klare synkron og asynkron undervisning (også store hold) Panopto  kan hentes i software centeret (husk at logge på VPN). Eller 

Har du brug for IT hjælp ift. Installation, så kontakt IT support

Har du brug for hjælp til Panopto kan du kontakte Roman Jurowetzki

Her 2 korte videoer (eng) hvordan man kommer i gang. Vi anbefaler at lave nogle korte videoer først for at samle lidt erfaring med løsningen. Læs også vejledning om video på

Panopto til screen/powerpoint-recording.

Panopto video på Moodle


Her anbefaler task forcen at bruge Microsoft Teams. De studerende kan selv oprette et Team for deres gruppe og invitere vejleder ind. Videomøder kan nemt afvikles i Teams, hvor man udover at se hinanden har mulighed for at dele skærm, filer og andet. Her anbefaler vi at bruge Microsoft Teams app på mobile enheder, hvis der er problemer med video/lydkvalitet (især på studerendes side). Undervisere bør downloade Microsoft Teams applikation til computeren fremfor at anvende browser-versionen.

Har du brug for hjælp til Microsoft Teams kan du kontakte Louise Kringelum

Louise har som inspiration lavet et udspil til en mail, I kan sende ud til de studerende:

Kære grupper

Grundet regeringens COVID-19 udmelding flyttes al vejledning til Microsoft Teams.

Jeg har naturligvis fortsat mulighed for at kommentere på tekst etc., så alt skulle gerne forløbe relativt uændret ift. vejledning i den kommende periode.

I bedes derfor downloade Microsoft Teams, oprette et team for Jeres gruppe med gruppenummer og studie (Gruppe X, HA 6, eller Gruppe X, CMOS 2  etc) i titlen: Der findes også en app, der kan downloades, som gør samtaler nemmere via gode indbyggede mikrofoner.

Derefter skal I invitere mig til teamet via min mail.

Her har jeg mulighed for at tilgå Jeres filer og vi kan gennemføre møder via den indbyggede skype-funktion – hvilket dermed også understøtter, at I i gruppen ikke sidder fysisk samme sted.

Jeg ser frem til nogle gode vejledningsmøder, og håber at vi sammen kan få det bedste ud af denne situation gennem fælles opbygning af digitale kompetencer :-)

Skulle I have nogle spørgsmål på baggrund af dette, er I meget velkomne til at kontakte mig.

Jeg vil ønske jer alle en rigitg god weekend.

De bedste hilsner Mette


English Version

Dear all,

I hope you have had a great first workday from home. Today our local task force for digitization have met for the first time and they are now ready to help us make our education and supervision digital.

The faculty has created a great deal of material to help get you started.

here are many different solutions available, and we encourage all educators to look through the material and try whether they can start using the solutions themselves.

The Task Force has agreed to focus on few solutions that they primarily support in order to make it as simple as possible for you.


Here, the task force recommends using Panopto, which can easily handle synchronous and asynchronous teaching (also large teams) Panopto can be downloaded from the software center (remember to log on to VPN). Or

If you need help installing Panopto please contact ITS

If you need help with Panopto please contact Roman Jurowetzki

Here are to short videos in English on how to get started. We recommend to start off with short videos to get experience with the program. You can also read the tutorial on moodle

Panopto til screen/powerpoint-recording.

Panopto video på Moodle.


Here, the task force recommends using Microsoft Teams. Students can create their own team for their group and invite supervisors. Video meetings can easily be run in Teams, where, apart from seeing each other, you have the opportunity to share screens, files and more. Here we recommend using the Microsoft Teams app on mobile devices if there are video / audio quality issues (especially on the student side). Educators should download the Microsoft Teams application to the computer rather than using the browser version.

If you need help with Microsoft Teams, contact Louise Kringelum.

Louise has as inspiration made a draft for a mail that can be send to the students:

Dear groups,

due to the Goverment’s COVID-19 initiative I have decided to move all my supervision to Microsoft Teams.

I will off course be available and am happy to provide feedback on texts etc., so in principle our cooperation will continue as planned.

I will ask you to download Microsoft Teams and set up a group with your group number and study program (e.g. HA 6 or Group XX, CMOS 2) in the title: There is also an app, you can download which will make the conversations better due to the build in microphones on your smart phones.

Subsequently, please invite me to the group.

You will be able to access your files and we can have meeting via the build in Skype function – which also enable us to meet even though we are physically sitting apart.

I look forward to our forward cooperation and are convinced that we will be able to make the best out of the current situation and jointly build digital competences.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

I wish you all a great weekend.

Kind regards
