Business School

Business School Taskforces

In our quest to make the transition to a business school our strategy process will consist of a series of taskforces in five themes:

1) The business school strategy,
2) Start-up activities,
3) Accreditation,
4) Educational development and
5) Research & funding excellence.

Each taskforce will consist of between 2 and 5 members of the department and run for a maximum of 100 days, by which time outputs will have been pitched to the Department Council and the Management Group. For background on the business school process read the strategy document and the Power Point presentation that was presented at the department seminar:

• Strategy Document
• Presentation from Department Seminar



The purpose is to get an overview of relevant funding opportunities for AAUBS. Generally, relevant funding is research-relevant funding that has the possibility to lead to research impact and simultaneously deliver sufficient overhead.

The task force should not limit its work to the funding sources we traditionally target, but also aim to identify alternative relevant funding sources.

Finally, the task force should also consider alternative ways to generate income to AAUBS in general.

Download Assignment Document here

Sign up on Doodle via this link no later than 23rd of April

Sign up: 23.04.2021
Pitch to Department Council: 20
Report Hand-in: week 25
Presentation to the management group: week 26

In process

  • Business Advisory Council and Ambassadors
    The purpose is to identify principles, criteria and concepts for selecting and forming a body of AAUBS Business Advisory Council and ambassadors.

  • Editors' Day
    The Editor’s Day is a paper development workshop that aims at supporting publication in highly ranked international journals. We will invite editors of selected journals to participate in the paper development workshop, which is organised in two sessions.
  • Opening Conference
    On 1 September 2020 we will have a grand opening event of the Business School. The event must attact students, researchers and local businesses.
  • Overview of Company-Relations
    This taks is to map out the companies in the region.

  • Accreditation Advisory Board 
    This task concerns identifying employees in the department who would like to join the Accreditation Advisory Board

  • Busines School Web pages 
    This task concerns the design of the web pages for the forthcoming AAU Business School.

  • Overview of company networks and professional networks in the Region
    This task concerns identification of bodies and networks relevant to the operation and development of AAUBS


  • Designing the physical space for the forthcoming AAU business school 
    The purpose of this action point is to ensure that the surrounding physical study environment and the seminar rooms in Fibiger-stræde 2 and 11 are inspiring, motivational and updated in relation to the PBL anchored learning philosophy at the forthcoming AAU business school.
  • Providing inputs to the regional development strategy
    This task concerns providing a hearing statement from Department of Business and Management to North Denmark’s development strategy for the period 2020-2023.

Finished taskforce reports

  • Report on Designing the physical space for AAU Business School