Den aktuelle valgperiode for VIP og TAP er 1. feb 2024 til 31. jan 2028. Institutrådet er sammensat af nedenstående personer.
Prioritized staff list
Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here:
Prioritized staff list
Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here:
Prioritized staff list
Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here:
Studentervalgte repræsentanter (valgt for ét år)
Marcus Møller Neuschild,
Michelle Regnholt Winther,
Observatører fra forskningsgrupper uden valgte medlemmer
sekretær for udvalget
Karina Knudsen
Tlf.: 9940 2759